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Consutling firms & Experts

Sustainability in supply chain

Evaluate the supply chain performance of your client with a sustainability perspective, aligned with well-known supply chain performance models.

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Cut Assessment Time by 50%

Leverage our AI-powered platform to streamline Supply chain assessment

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30% Faster Analytics

Provide timely guidance and support, ensuring ongoing client satisfaction

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Instant Report Building

No more down time, enhance your team productivity and efficiency

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80% Completion Average

Provide on-going support and facilitation to your client and extend engagement from the typical 3-6 months to a robust 2-3 years

What does Supply chain sustainability Assessment covers?

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Focus on the assessment

It covers five critical areas of supply chain management, each tailored to assess the integration and effectiveness of sustainable practices

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Planning activities
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Product sourcing
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Producing best products
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Delivering products in the best way
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Handling Returns

Assessment template with a scoring system modeled on credit score evaluations for precise, data-driven decision-making.

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Global score for an evaluation
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Get a score by individuals and team
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Alignment rate when evaluating a team
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Detailed analytics by axis and question

Get downloadable and instant ready to use report with all the details of your evaluation.

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Access instant detailed report generated with AI (new)
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Access to a report template library
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Customized and branded reports
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Gant charts to showcase action plans
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Different formats (PPTx, Excel...) 
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AI Powered

Instant Reporting
and Analysis

Access real-time, downloadable reports and in-app dashboards for immediate insights every time data is collected during evaluations.

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CRM feature

and Personalize

Assess entire teams to gauge alignment and ensure broad participation in digital transformation efforts, providing a holistic view of your client’s digital readiness.

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Frequently asked questions.

What are the evaluation axis details of the Supply Chain Sustainability assessment? 

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The Supply Chain Sustainability template covers five (5) critical areas of supply chain management, each tailored to assess the integration and effectiveness of sustainable practices. The questionnaire aims to provide insights into how well a company balances operational efficiency with environmental and social responsibility.

1. Planning Your Activity
Effective planning is critical for balancing supply and demand, optimizing resources, and aligning supply chain operations with overall business goals. Sustainability in planning involves considering environmental and social impacts while ensuring operational efficiency.

2. Sourcing Your Products
Sustainable sourcing involves selecting suppliers who prioritize environmental and social responsibility, monitoring their performance, and ensuring compliance with sustainability standards. This process helps build a resilient and ethical supply chain.

3. Producing the Best Products
Sustainable production involves implementing practices that minimize environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, reduce material consumption, and ensure the health and safety of workers. This leads to producing high-quality products responsibly.

4. Delivering Your Products in the Best Way
Sustainable transportation involves optimizing logistics, reducing carbon footprint, ensuring efficient order fulfillment, and maintaining high customer satisfaction. This enhances both environmental responsibility and operational effectiveness.

5. Handling Returns
Returns (revere logistics) involves implementing efficient processes for managing defective or unwanted products, minimizing waste, and ensuring the responsible disposal or recycling of returned items. This helps reduce environmental impact and improve customer satisfaction.

Can I edit the content on the platform ? 

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As a BRIDGR client, you will get a white labeled platform branded with your own colors. You will be also able to have a personalized subdomain.

Can I have multiple questionnaire on my platform?

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Yes, it's possible to have multiple questionnaire on your platform. (Advanced plan) 

Can I edit the Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment content ?

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Yes, you will be able to edit the questionnaire content (questions, answers or scoring) related with this assessment template to adapt it to your client's reality.

Can I review and edit all action plan content items ?

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Action plan feature allows you to use AI to generate the best suited actions to your client's reality. Editing the content of the action plans is possible.